Core Drills
Individual Classes
This practice is designed to strictly focus on working all areas of the core. This will strengthen the core and get those hidden muscles that sometimes we neglect to work. Great for prepping and getting you ready for inversions and arm balances
Up Next in Individual Classes
All Level feat. Warrior 3 w/Danielle
Enjoy an all level yoga practice that keeps your mind and body moving while working on your standing splits to warrior 3 transition. Danielle offers options through out the class to make it your own practice. Feel free to flow through chatturanga dandasana or hold your plank and build the core.
Dolphin and Forearm Strength
Christina will guide you through this flow that will warm you up with some standing poses. Test your balance in a tree variation, then move on to the mat to work on prepping the shoulders for Dolphin and Pincha
Strength and Flexibility with Jessie
Join Jessie as she guides you through this class focused on improving flexibility through the hips and hamstrings while build strength through core. Lots of mat work and connecting to the earth.